Sunday, May 6, 2012

 Ultimate Nutrition Basics: Supplementation

By now you should be getting a good feel for Ultimate Training and just how effective it is. Isn't it nice to train less and gain more?

The more I hone and refine Ultimate Training the more I find that the greater mental and physical intensity you can generate while training the less you need to train. Training with the right intensity levels can easily generate maximum growth promoting overload with just 4 to 6 sets per muscle group
With high intensity, sharp mental focus, and maximum overload, less equals more
If you haven't guessed it yet, intensity is the main underlying factor that will determine the extent of the results you get from training. Intensity is something that can't really be spelled out or defined specifically. It's not something you can learn from just reading. I cannot lay it out in a regimented form like I can a workout. Intensity must be earned as much as learned.

Throughout this course I will give you intensity tips and hints to help you increase the levels you train with. It's different for everyone. But one thing is for sure, you can always train harder, concentrate more, and increase your intensity. And this is something you must strive for with each and every workout to keep the gains coming. Always strive to make your next workout better, heavier, and more intense than your last.

To start things off this week I'm going to talk about the most hype-filled and fraud laden area in all of bodybuilding - supplements. Now, I must admit, when I look through the magazines and see the blatant lies used to promote supplements these days it makes me sick.

Over the years I have seen it all. I've seen companies come and go. I've seen the fall of each and every magazine from a source of training and nutrition information into blatant monthly promotional catalogs. This industry has sold out and it has done this at your expense.

Will I be a little biased? No I will not. I have no reason to be. Will I recommend another company's supplements? Probably not. Why? Because I have seen way too much fraud in this industry to blindly recommend another company's products that I have no clue as to the quality of the ingredients or the procedures used to produce it. That would be doing you a disservice.

 It's no wonder there is so much confusion about supplements these days. Each month there are no less than half a dozen bodybuilding magazines, each with their own agenda and own line of supplements, feeding you a load of crap about the latest supplement that they sell. 

This does nothing but breed confusion. And you know what? Each month if you buy these magazines you're paying them to lie to you. And let me tell you something, I am not just taking about some slight exaggerations here, I am talking total lies about their supplements and their effects.

Here is a list of the magazines and their underlying supplement companies.
  • MuscleMag International and Oxygen

    This is the worst example of self promoting I have ever seen. MuscleMag is controlled by MuscleTech. Anytime you see an article in MuscleMag about a supplement it is a MuscleTech product. How people can buy into this magazine and its monthly editorial content directed solely at selling MuscleTech supplements is beyond me. It's so obvious you would actually have to be brain dead not to realize it.

    Don't be fooled in the slightest by what looks like articles in this magazine. They are not articles at all. They are "advertorials". They are strictly ads written to look like articles in order to give them an appearance of legitimacy.

    Oxygen is the female oriented counterpart. Same thing just aimed at women.
  • IronMan Magazine

    Ironman was the last magazine to fall. And fall hard it did. Now each month that Ironman comes out you get a monthly thrashing of MuscleLink ads disguised as articles. Ironman runs a very close second to MuscleMag in their deceptive promotional practices. Any Ironman article about nutrition or supplementation is nothing more than and ad designed to induce you to buy their products.

  • Muscular Development

    Muscular Development is Twinlab's mouthpiece. This magazine is not near as bad as Ironman and MuscleMag, but nevertheless, the nutrition articles are in there to help sell TwinLab supplements. It's also used extensively to bash other products that TwinLab does not sell. Like Androstenedione.
  • Muscle & Fitness and Flex

    Both Muscle & Fitness and Flex magazines are owed by Joe Weider and thus are selling vehicles for Weider supplements, Metaform, MuscleTribe, and numerous other companies owned by Weider.

    Actually the Weider magazines don't fall into the same category as MuscleMag and Ironman. Other than plastering photos of Weider products in all the articles, they do not take as blatant an approach as the others. Still you must read the articles with a jaundiced eye.
  • Muscle Media

    This is the magazine that started the new generation of "advertorial" supplement promoting. Their first supplement was Met-Rx. Muscle Media promoted Met-Rx through articles in issue after issue. It was that promotion that made Met-Rx such a popular product.

    After a fall out with the owner of Met-Rx, contracts were not renewed. Along came EAS. Muscle Media then became a promotional vehicle for EAS which it remains today.

    Its promotional approach has toned down considerably in last couple of years, but is still the primary promotional tool for EAS supplements.

 Magazines and Their Degradation of This Industry Continued...

As you can see, every magazine is tied to a supplement company. Your chance of getting objective, non biased information about supplements doesn't exist through today's magazines. What you are getting is information designed to sway your opinion in favor of the magazines underlying supplement. That's what it's all about. They might try to make it look different, but the bottom line is today's bodybuilding magazines are primarily designed to sell the supplements that the magazines are financially connected to.

Kind of sneaky don't you think? You're under the impression you're reading an informative article on a new supplement when what you are really reading is an ad that is made to look like an article. How can you possibly expect to get the "real" truth when what you are getting is an ad?

How can this be legal? Well, truth be known, it's not. The FTC is looking into this facade and by all means should be. There is no doubt heads will roll.

The same holds true for this ever expanding E-Book. I challenge you to find a more informative E-Book anywhere. I work long hours to bring you the type of information you can put to use to make a difference in your training.

So many people are misinformed by the magazines out there and it's very unfortunate. How does it feel to know that most of the information that you read in the magazines is wrong, misleading, or completely inaccurate? It's a crime. And they're stealing money from you at the same time.

My advice to you would be to not buy these magazines. In fact, this is one of the best pieces of advice in this entire program. That's how strongly I feel about this. You need to rely on a source of information you can trust.
If a magazine is disguising the fact that they own or that they are financially tied to a supplement company, then how can you possibly hold any credibility in what the magazine says? In my opinion you can't.
Here's a little challenge for you. Go to the store and look at a MuscleMag magazine. Count the number of pages of MuscleTech ads in there. Then go to the beginning of the magazine and turn page by page and count the number of times you see a picture of a MuscleTech product in the pages that are not ads. Next, scan (don't lower yourself to reading) each article and count the number of articles written about MuscleTech products.

Now if there was any doubt about the MuscleMag - MuscleTech association this should erase it. You can do the same thing with Ironman and Muscle Link. And all this time you thought there were so many MuscleTech articles in MuscleMag and Muscle Link articles in Ironman because they were good supplements. Not so at all. They are in there because they run the magazines and control what you read.

I believe that if you are aware of the connections between the magazines and supplement companies you'll be much better equipped to judge the validity and truthfulness of the articles in them. Without this knowledge you are a sitting duck for the con job they are trying to pull.

I am continuously amazed at how many consumers are clueless to the magazine - supplement connections. Our customer service personnel continuously field calls from customers that say, "They read about in a 'such and such' magazine." I answer email after email about supplements people read about in the magazines and they are completely unaware of the relationships.

Knowledge really is power, and in this case knowledge can save you a lot of money. You are spending your hard earned money to try and improve yourself and the last thing you need is to be lied to by the magazines and supplement companies you are spending your money with.

 Are You Getting What You Pay For?

I hope I have given you a little insight into one ugly side of the supplement industry. There are other ugly sides as well and they hit you just as hard.

Supplement Quality: Do you get what you pay for?

This shouldn't even be an issue. When you lay down your money for a supplement you should get exactly what you pay for. It's a shame I have to waste time even writing about this, but it's a very big problem.

There are so many supplements on the market that do not meet their label claims it's insidious. In fact, more supplements probably don't contain what their labels say than supplements that do. This is a real problem. If you knew a supplement didn't contain what the label said would you buy it?

There are several reasons this problem exists. The sports nutrition market is very competitive. There are a lot of products jockeying for the same dollar/pound. In order to get an edge in the marketplace companies have to lower their prices to get the retail stores or customers to even consider buying them. So how can a company afford to lower their price and still make money to cover overhead and make a profit? You guessed it, they cut corners.

If a company can make a supplement and only put 80% of what the label says in the product they immediately give themselves a 20% margin advantage in which to price their supplements. 20% is a big margin in this business. They can sell their product for 20% less and still make the same profit as a legitimate company that produces true to label, quality products.

Guess what? This happens all the time. It's common practice among the no name brands and it's not uncommon in the larger, well known brands either. It's a cancer in this industry that totally rips off the consumer. This tells me two things about the companies that do this, they don't give a rat's fat ass about their products or about you.

 How can you spot if you are being ripped off?

This is the bad part. Aside from actually testing the supplement you really can't tell. Unless the actual supplement is tested by a certified laboratory you're just going to have to trust your supplier and the manufacturer.
This problem is primarily manifested out of greed and total disregard for the consumer. I remember a few years ago we tested some whey protein from two different companies - Sci-Fit and American Sports Nutrition. The results: These were two of the worst protein supplements we have ever tested. They each came up below 50% of what their label claimed. The labels said 25 grams of protein per serving and they actually tested out to contain less than 13 grams per serving.

Can you believe that? You're buying a protein supplement and you think you're getting 25 grams per serving, but really getting somewhere around 12 grams! Friends, as a consumer this is what you are up against.

Here's an even more pathetic problem. I remember after testing these two particular protein powders we contacted the stores that were selling them to let them know how they tested. And guess what? This really blew me away. They didn't care! The store owners did not care! Can you believe that? Because they were making such great margins on these products (Of course they were, they contained less than half what should have been in there.) they could care less what the tests revealed. Even when they were showed the tests they still did not care. This attitude makes it even tougher on the customer.
If the store where you buy your supplements doesn't care what the quality of the supplements are they sell you, then you are in real trouble
And to make matters worse, these types of stores push these products because they are making larger margins. They are selling it to you cheaper and still putting more money in their pocket. You leave the store thinking you've just got a great deal when what you really got was stuck right in the ass.

Building muscle is tough enough, but combine that with the fraud perpetrated by the magazine/supplement company connections and the poor quality and mislabeled supplements the uncaring companies and store owners are selling and it's a depressing situation.

Unless you have access to a lab that can test the supplements you buy, you really have nothing but total faith in the supplement company you deal with to go on. That's it. You have to trust your source. And let me tell you, there are only a few that can be trusted. This is a sad fact.

Over the last 15 years I have seen the supplement industry do a full circle.

This is when I first started to test a few supplements that looked "too good to be true". Sure enough, labels were way off. Well, I started to publish the test results as well as reveal some of the scams going on in the industry and before long people started to take notice. The bad guys were furious that their cover had been blown.

Through all this what we found was that not only were the products on the market baseless from a research standpoint (they didn't work), but they also were testing out way short of what their labels said they should. If you're paying for a product that doesn't work at least you should get 100% of what doesn't work.

As all this data was piling up, my mission became very clear. I would do my own research on products that had a physiological effect to enhance performance.
Believe it or not this was a novel concept in the industry - and still is.

Over the next few years, as we revealed the underhanded tactics most supplement companies were using to push their products, things started to get better. Some companies slowly started to clean up their act. We were making progress. It felt good to see things heading in the right direction in the industry.

As things improved athletes started getting results with the new products they were using and the supplement industry really started to grow. If something works word will spread. As the years went by new supplements started emerging that produced substantial physiological benefits. Then things slowly started to deteriorate.

 What Can Be Done?

As the supplement industry has grown it once again has started to attract the bad element. The shysters and crooks have made their way back into the fold. With the enormous growth in fitness and the awareness of the benefits of scientifically proven supplementation, supplement companies have popped up everywhere. All looking for a piece of the pie.

And what do these companies bring to the table? Certainly nothing new. What they typically do is copy the best selling products that the truly innovative companies produce and slap their own label on them. That's it. No research. No diligent work to improve upon an existing product. They simply copy the theme of the hot selling products, give their company a fancy name that would lead you to believe they're involved in some sort of actual research, and off they go. Cutting corners, cutting prices, and giving you some low quality, under spec products to cloud your supplement choice.

It's this bad element in the industry today that certainly casts a cynical shadow over the effectiveness of nutritional supplements.

It is my commitment to you, myself, my employees, distributors, and the industry to be a leader in the field. To bring respectability to the industry and to continue to expose the fraud.

I must say that this does not make me the most popular person inside the industry, but I couldn’t care less. My job is not to win the admiration of the scum of the industry. My job is to bring you, my customers, the best supplements, the latest research, and a continued flow of information that you can use to enhance your mental and physical performance. That's what drives me each and every day.
Okay, enough with the bad and ugly and on with some information you can use to help you succeed.

  The Supplement Puzzle

Let me first start off here by telling you that you do not need supplements to get results. However, there is no doubt and science clearly demonstrates that proper supplementation will definitely accelerate your muscular gains.

Why take supplements?

It's pretty obvious why we take supplements. We want to get the benefits these supplements provide to help us increase strength, increase muscle size, decrease fat, increase endurance, and increase our overall physical performance. Many supplements make this possible and many supplements don't. I am going to go over the major supplement categories and give you my opinion on which supplements are worth a try or not.

One thing supplements certainly provide is a convenience factor unachievable by any other means. With the right supplementation you are able to get physiologically significant nutrient amounts that will impart a performance advantage over food intake no matter how great the quantity of your food consumption. Supplementation makes the impossible or impractical possible in this respect.

What works and what does not

First off, any supplement company can make any product they want. You name it and it can be made. However, certain supplement companies develop and markets supplements that work. Good companies do not chase supplement fads no matter how profitable they could be.

 The Supplement Puzzle
  • Protein (Whey Protein)

    Protein is the major nutrient responsible for muscle growth and repair. Careful attention should be paid to not only the quantity of your protein intake but the quality as well.

    When taking a protein for its nitrogen supplying capabilities whey protein is miles ahead of any other type. As I have said before the quality of the whey protein you take will make all the difference in the world. The higher the quality, the better your results. It's as simple as that.

    There is some interesting research surrounding whey protein and its benefits for muscle growth and fat loss as well as immune system enhancement. A recent study showed whey had an ability to shift body composition in athletes in favor of lean tissue.

    I recommend taking a Whey Protein Isolate powder. This is the highest quality and most effective protein supplement available. If you want the very best then this is your only choice.
  • Weight Gainers

    Weight gainers were popular years ago mainly because of the name itself. I know of no current weight gainer that is worth taking right now. The ones that I have seen are all way too high in sugar and too low in protein. Basically what they do is add a bunch of nutrient sparse calories that go more toward increasing fat than muscle.

    I recommend avoiding at least the current crop of weight gainers. If one comes along designed properly I will certainly recommend it. As for right now, leave the weight gainers on the shelf.
  • Amino Acids

    These used to be popular the same time the weight gainers were. Multi-spectrum amino acids (amino acid tablets with many different amino acids in them) are nothing more than crude protein powder compressed into tablets. So it's like taking protein in tablet form.

    There are some free form amino acid supplements, but the science here doesn't cut it. In fact, there was no science showing that supplementing with them provided any benefit in athletic performance.

    Multi-spectrum free form amino acids may pose an absorption problem due to the varying molecular weights of the individual amino acids. This can cause different absorption rates and characteristics among the different individual amino acids.

    I don't recommend taking multi-spectrum amino acid supplements. Singular amino acids, like L-Glutamine, are a different story especially when taken in doses that impart a definite physiological effect.

  • HMB

    Doesn't work. A recent study to evaluate the effects of HMB on individuals with weight training experience showed that HMB had no positive effects on muscle growth or strength.

    HMB is not recommended.
  • BCAAs
    BCAAs are Branched Chain Amino Acids consisting of Leucine, Isoluecine, and Valine. BCAAs are unique amino acids in that they are metabolized in muscle tissue and not the liver. They are absorbed rapidly and support muscle metabolism. BCAAs make up about 70 percent of the amino acids in your bloodstream.

    BCAAs are best derived from whey protein than the BCAAs supplements themselves. It's more economical this way and there is evidence suggesting a higher rate of absorption through whey protein.
  • Creatine

    A must use supplement for strength and even endurance athletes. Creatine increase muscle fiber size, strength, and dynamic power.

    There are many different creatine supplements on the market. Make sure the quality is high.

    I recommend Micronized Creatine
  • Micronized Creatine

    Micronized Creatine is a creatine that is manufactured into an ultra-fine powder. Each particle of micronized creatine is 20 to 25 times smaller than regular creatine creating much more surface area for quicker absorption and more efficient utilization.
  • Meal Replacement Supplements

    This is a very big category in sports nutrition and one that should certainly be used if gaining maximum muscle without adding fat is your goal. Meal replacements basically provide a "perfect-meal" without all the bad things like fat, cholesterol, and sugar that come with eating whole food.

    In reality, a good MRP really is not a meal replacement because you could not structure a whole food meal that would contain all the nutrients in just one packet. They contain a special blend of different proteins to regulate the rate of nitrogen delivery to your muscles. A good MRP should also contain approc 25 – 30 grams of slow release complex carbohydrates for optimum insulin release for enhanced nutrient uptake.
MRPs also allow you to be very precise with your nutritional intake. On average, each packet with 16 ounces of skim milk provides about 60 grams of protein, 1 gram of fat, and 40 grams of carbohydrates (EAS, AST are the best). These really are perfect meals for maximizing muscle growth.
  • ALA - Alpha Lipoic Acid

    Alpha Lipoic Acid is a unique amino acid that we introduced 3 years ago that works as an insulin mimicker. It actually mimics the action of insulin to help shuttle nutrients into the muscle cell.

    A couple of years ago I wrote an article on using ALA with creatine to help increase the absorption of creatine. Shortly after I released the article a company came out with a creatine supplement with added ALA and promoted all the benefits of the two together. We know where they do their research.

    The only problem here (and is a perfect example of how most supplement companies get their information) is that ALA is a very unstable chemical. Putting it in a powder will cause rapid breakdown in a very short period of time. You can certainly use ALA to help creatine absorption, but not mixed in with the creatine. You must take it in capsule form.

    I highly recommend ALA. Take 200 milligrams with each meal for enhanced nutrient uptake. I also recommend taking ALA each time you take creatine for enhanced creatine absorption. Remember, never take ALA if it's pre-mixed into a powdered supplement. Only take ALA in capsule form.
  • Multi-Vitamins and Multi-Minerals

    Every athlete needs a good multi-vitamin and multi-mineral supplement. This ensures you a complete spectrum of all the vitamins and minerals your body needs to carry out the millions of intricate functions your body goes through every second of the day.

    Most athletes are so busy looking for that magic supplement that they tend to forget the basic needs of the human body for every single function it goes through. You need a continual supply of vitamins and minerals to assist all the activities that govern every growth process in the human body.

    The importance of vitamins and minerals can't be overstated. Every function in the body is directly or indirectly controlled and assisted by the essential vitamins and minerals. This is a primary reason why each serving of a good MRP contains 100% of all essential vitamins and minerals.

  • Andro Supplements

    Andro supplements consist of Androstenedione, 4-Androstenediol, 5-Androstenediol, 19-Norandrostenedione, and 19-Norandrostenediol.

    The andros have generated an extreme amount of press over the past 2 years. This is a very popular category of supplements because of their ability to increase testosterone levels. Increased testosterone levels will help build muscle and strength and reduce body fat.

    A recent study in the Journal of American Medical Association showed Androstenedione significantly increased testosterone levels. There has been a lot of controversy about this, but it's clear the science is there and the anecdotal proof is overwhelming.

    I have to highly recommend the andro supplements as an effective way to increase testosterone levels for increased muscle growth and strength. I do not recommend andro supplements for anyone under the age of 18. If your are a female then I would only suggest the 19-Nor 250.
  • Cyclodextrin Andro Supplements

    This is form of andro supplement reacted into a cyclodextrine molecule for sublingual absorption. The concept is good, but it doesn't work in the real world. The doses are way too small and you end up swallowing most of it as you would a regular oral andro supplement. So much for the sublingual absorption.

Glutamine is the most abundant single amino acid in the blood and in the intracellular free amino acid pool (most abundant amino acid in muscle tissue). It comprises 61% of the amino acid pool in skeletal muscle. Glutamine’s unique structure, containing two nitrogen side chains, consists of 19% nitrogen - making it the primary transporter of nitrogen into the muscle cell. In fact, glutamine alone is responsible for 35% of the nitrogen that gets into the muscle cell. Glutamine literally drives muscle building nitrogen into the muscle cell where it is synthesized for growth.

Enough can't be said about the importance of glutamine and muscle metabolism. Research is showing an important link between stress and your body's need for glutamine. The greater the stress (weight training) the more your body needs glutamine. If you don't receive enough glutamine from your diet your body will steal it from the largest glutamine reservoir in your body - skeletal muscle tissue.

So if you don't satisfy your body's glutamine demand either through the food you eat or from supplementation, it will ravage it from muscle tissue causing a loss of lean muscle mass.

One other unique quality glutamine exerts is its ability to dramatically increase circulating growth hormone levels.
A dose of just 2 grams has been shown to increase GH levels by 400%
  • GABA

    GABA is a unique supplement that caught my eye quite a few years ago while doing some research on Growth Hormone. This was definitely an accidental find, but what a find it was.

    GABA is classified as a neurotransmitter (A neurotransmitter is a substance that transmits nerve impulses across a synapse. A synapse is a region where nerve impulses are transmitted across axon terminals.)

    GABA’s high concentration in the hypothalamus suggests this amino acid plays a significant role in hypothalamic-pituitary function. The hypothalamus is a region of the posterior section of the brain and is the regulating center for visceral (instinctive) functions such as sleep cycles, body temperature, and the activity of the pituitary gland.

    The pituitary gland is the master endocrine gland effecting all hormonal functions of the body. One primary hormone of concern to the athlete is growth hormone (GH) and its various hormonal constituents.

    Studies show GABA has a prominent effect on growth hormone secretion.
A 5 gram dose of GABA has been shown to increase Growth Hormone levels by 550%
A 5 1/2 fold increase in GH is significant and can play noticeable role in lean tissue synthesis.

GABA also has a distinct calming effect and can help one sleep more soundly.

I recommend taking GABA at night only. 5 grams mixed in a small amount of orange juice before bed.

 Ultimate Training Supplement Plan

I have laid out quite a bit of information on the ever confusing world of supplements here. My goal is not to make this an end all on supplements. That's coming next. What I'm doing here is giving you the straight scoop on what supplements work best and why. But where do you go from here? You certainly don't need to take each and every supplement listed. Some you need to take all the time. Some you can experiment with at different times. This brings us to the question of how to design a supplement program that you are going to get the most out of.

If you remember, last chapter I talked extensively about calories, protein, carbohydrates, and fat.
I want to make it very clear that if you want to build muscle, you must first meet the macro-nutrient requirements and energy needs of your body before you begin looking into adding more "effect" specific supplements
I have detailed the diet from last week's lesson and I have added a specific pro-hormone program to it, as well as, Multi-Pro 32X, GABA, and NAC. The additions are detailed in red so they will stand out.

Meal 1 - 6:00AM
  • 1 packet of Meal Replacement Powder mixed with 16 ounces of skim milk and 1 serving of Micronized Creatine
  • 2 grams of L-Glutamine
Meal 2 - 9:00AM
  • 2 servings Whey Protein Isolate mixed in 10 ounces of skim milk
  • 1 large apple
Meal 3 12:00PM
  • 2 grilled chicken breasts
  • 1 serving rice
  • 1 cup of low-fat Yogurt
  • 1 serving Whey Protein Isolate in 8 ounces skim milk
Meal 4 - 3:00PM
  • 1 packet MRP mixed with 16 ounces of skim milk and 5 to 10 grams of L-Glutamine
  • 1 large banana

  • 1 Whey based Protein Bar
  • Some form of high GI carbs (white pasta, white bread, or even a small bottle of Lucozade)
Meal 5 - 6:00PM (Post-workout)
  • 2 servings Whey Protein Isolate combined with 1 serving Micronized Creatine mixed in fruit juice. (A Snapple drink works perfect and comes in many flavors for variety. This is an important meal and is designed for an insulin spike at just the right time to increase creatine and amino acid uptake by the muscle cells.)
Meal 6 - 7:00PM
  • 8 to 10 ounces of lean round or flank steak
  • 1 large serving of rice
  • 1 medium baked potato
  • 1 large green salad
Meal 7 - 10:00PM
  • 1 packet of MRP mixed with 9 ounces of skim milk
  • 1 large banana
                                            Supplementation Consistency

One of the most important things you need to understand about extracting the maximum results from a supplement program is consistency. You must follow the program in a consistent manner to realize the full benefits. You can't miss meals one day or skip a protein shake the next.

This type of haphazard approach to supplementing is sure to produce only marginal results. The real results come from strict adherence to your diet, to your training, and to your supplement regimen. The number one reason people fail to get results from a program is the lack of consistent adherence to the complete program.
I'll tell you right now that no one single supplement is going to do it for you.
No matter how much or many supplements you take, if you're not feeding your body properly then you're not going to see the results you could. And no matter how strictly you adhere to your diet and supplement program, if you're not training with the overload and intensity needed to spark growth then it's not going to happen.

Forget about the ridiculous ads these supplement companies are running. Those laughable "before and after" pictures are not a result of the supplements these companies are trying to sell. What you need is a structured plan. A complete program consisting of a proper diet, the right supplements, and Ultimate Training training.

You put this combination together and you're going to see some serious results. Believe me you'll be turning some heads and your friends will be begging you for your secrets.


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